KC Minor Hockey Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

In Memory of Kevin Kozar


It is with inconceivably heavy hearts that we at KC Minor Hockey mourn the sudden loss of Kevin Kozar this past weekend.

Kevin was our friend, our leader…our heart and soul…our moral compass when sometimes we needed to be reminded of our direction.  He was a giant in the local hockey community…the reason why so many of us joined the KC Executive, and definitely the reason so few of us ever left.  He was an anomaly in a community that is often synonymous with ego and personal accomplishment…all he ever cared about was doing what was best for the kids…because THAT is who Kevin believed that hockey was for.  

Kevin was the HNO Volunteer of the Year for the 2021-22 hockey season — an honour that was so well deserved, yet also made him entirely uncomfortable, because he never did what he did for attention or accolades.  After taking a couple of years away to focus on his own growing business, Kevin was starting to get the itch to become involved in hockey again.  Always an advocate for positive change and progress in our community, he was excited as we move towards a new hockey landscape in Thunder Bay.

As a hockey Dad, then a coach, a manager, an executive member, and eventually our longtime President (serving more terms than anyone should have to), Kevin gave of himself tirelessly and selflessly for many years, often putting the needs of the hockey community before those of HIS OWN team.  

Speaking of that team, our hearts are shattered for Amy, Charlie, Harry, and Miles.  We love you, and share in your immeasurable grief at the loss of your husband and father.

The rink will feel a lot emptier this season without Kevin in his usual spot, standing in the corner at the glass, far from the noise and the nonsense, simply enjoying the game he loved. 

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